This house is a Circus.

Hey there :)

School today was okay. We have a new teacher for Bio. (And Teacher Leena is her name) because Teacher Putri is really busy; she has a lot on her hands right now but she’ll be doing practicals with us for Bio. Teacher Leena is just for Theory Class. And Teacher Kasturi is still on her maternity leave, she’ll most likely be back next term. Had two free periods because Teacher Sonia wasn’t in for English, we were supposed to have a relief teacher but the Teacher didn’t show up. Had a lot of laughs during those two periods and Y started being really really silly and random! HAHAHA. Like seriously we couldn’t stop laughing. And the others were studying for Maths D. Test which was after English period. And others were finalizing the plan for tomorrow; beach party, though I won’t be able to come.

Maths D. test was fine, the test was on Vectors. I know I’ve got a careless mistake in one of the sub-questions (long story) but at least I still get marks for the working :) hehe. Ou ou, while we were doing our test Teacher Toni (one of the English Teachers in school) wanted to talk to me and Shi Jing but we couldn’t since we were In the middle of our test. After dismissal, I went to look for Teacher Toni. And she asked me if I could join the RTB Thing this time(remember the first episode of that show in RTB I mentioned last month I think? Yea that one. But this time I was selected to do two episodes, that is Episodes 5 & 6). Wahh, Teacher Toni really wants me to be in that show eyy? HAHAHA. Don’t mind me, I’m a tad bit high from them oreos awhile ago ;) haha. Marla & Kaths were selected as well. They were like really begging me to join when I was about to go home. Rehearsals are on Monday after classes. Hmm, I wonder if I’ll be able to join this time. Howell, let’s see.

I am going to be cutting down my hours on the net, as of March 1 because I have got a lot of things to do and to focus on right now. However, it is most likely not applied on Wednesdays and Fridays :) Heehee. As of tomorrow being March already, my entrance exam in DLSU-Manila and GCE ‘O’ Levels are just 7 months away. Time flies really fast! Term One holidays are near. Weee~ Educational Camp too :D

Alright, I shall be going now. Later~ Have a good Saturday Night :)

much love.

one more month of wait! :) Excited me! HAHA.


Just some pictures from yesterday :)

That's all for the blog, the rest are in Facebook :) Btw, Part 3 is to be uploaded next time.

I'm out~ Have a good day (:

much love.



Today’s an awesome day! Had a celebration for Chinese New Year and National Day in school this morning; it wasn’t that big but we all had fun! The school was bright and colourful with everyone wearing eye-catching colours well mostly red, white and yellow (flag colours). Our class didn’t study today well except for BM, not so sure about other classes.

Took tons and tons of pictures like 200+ but in the camera it says 300+ because there were triple shots for some pictures. There were a lot of cameras around school especially SLRs; we were like “Gambar gambar!”. So there are gonna be like a lot of pictures in Facebook that is if they upload them. Hell yeah, I’m uploading mine. HAHA. I’m gonna ask Umi, Kaths, Marla, Justina, Connie, Zul, Mamat and Meth (I know there’s more! HAHAHA) for the pictures :D Wait did I miss anyone? HAHA. Banyak wah!

Alright, just wanted to do a short post about today! XD I’m off to bed for a short nap. I shall blog again tomorrow (for updates) that is if I feel like it. Later~

I shall be uploading the pictures tomorrow :) Expect them. HAHA

Have a good day(:
much love.


dropped by.

Just checking in because I have not been blogging lately for the past few days, well it’s because I have got tons and tons of school work. I was pretty tired as well; always sleep late at night. Sometimes I’d fall asleep with the lights still on. Howell, it’s school what can I do.. I think this week might just be an awesome one! :D

So anyways, last Monday was a good day. I thought we were going to have our Physics Test but it was actually on Tuesday; felt so relieved, was not really prepared. So yea.. P.E. was awesome! Played netball with the boys. It’s SIUK playing with the boys. Imagine them wearing the bibs. HAHA. Cute bah! :p Chemistry was great although we had to do a lot of REDOX equations. It’s gonna be good though, It will help us. Revised for Physics in the afternoon.

Tuesday was another good day. Physics Test was unexpectedly-postponed to next Tuesday :) Started a new topic; Static Electricity. It is very interesting! Finally finished Binomial Theorem in Add. Maths, although did a lot of questions before moving on to the next topic [we were unable to start the new topic because Eric Yap kept on asking for more questions. Haha.] I had fun in Computer class and so did the others. Stayed back for Physics Practicals. Kim and Kiently came to school again. Yda, Eric, Marlo, Kim, Kiently and I chilled on the stairs [you know the stairs on the slope? Yeap there] after lunch at the usual and when Marla and Kaths went for First Batch of Practicals. The boys kept on talking about different stuffs as if there were no girls around! HAHAHAHA. We were dismissed early from Practicals like around 4:45pm earlier than expected. Went home late, though Kim and Janno kept me companied but then Kim had to go [no he did not go for dance class] and after a while I told Janno he could go home na. Watched the Chinese Drummers while waiting for my parents. I was dead tired when i got home. Fell asleep when I was supposed to be doing my Malay.

Did not do much yesterday. We had electives again that day, it was fun :) Learnt Differentiation in Add. Maths. My gawdd, at first we were so damn blur we couldn’t get a thing what Teacher Koh said and once we looked closely into it, we finally understood it! Like it’s about time. HAHAHA. There’s even a freaking shorter method to solve the equation! Which is cool! :D The differentiation we are learning, is said to be the basic only! Umi Fakhriyah came over in the afternoon. Eric Yap, Kient and Andy came over as well. After an hour or so, the 4 of them walked to IMD because they wanted play basketball. Finally, for once we had no homework to do which was due the next day! Slept early :D

We started our first Biology Practicals this morning with Teacher Putri since Teacher Kasturi is still on her maternity leave. Oh oh, had spot check this morning during BM period which was after recess. None of us had our phones confiscated because we did not bring them, right Eric Yap? HAHA. Apakann, always blame Eric Yap :p HAHA. Can’t believe someone brings cigarettes to school, I saw a box or two in Teacher Sabu’s hand! Like seriously why would they bring it to school?! Anyways, I am supposed to be in Marla’s place right now but yea I’ve got my reasons. Sayang eyy.. I was this close. Hahaha. Howell, there’s always next time right?

So I’ve jibber-jabbered enough about what’s been happening well mainly in school! Haha. What to do? It’s my life. Haha :p
Later~ Hope I did not bore you, Haha.

much love.
i is missing you very much. see you make me more silly, haha.


Had an awesome day yesterday! Spent Valentine’s Day with the friends I love and had a surprise party for this amazing slash wacky slash gorgeous best friend of mine and she goes by the name of Umi Fakhriyah! Party took place in Fratinis Centrepoint. We had a really really long table inside! Like from one end of the room to the other. Before our late lunch, some of us arrived early so we went to Mall first then bought gifts, especially the boys; they were trying to find gifts for their valentine. It’s like they were on a shopping spree although what they bought wasn’t for them.

We were off to Fratinis, after that. Because the Umi sisters were on the way, so we had to prepare everything. When they finally arrived, Umi Fakhriyah was surprised (she thought our outing for her birthday was supposed to be on Sunday). Ate here, talked there, took pictures everywhere. HAHA. It was fun! :D We walked around Mall after the late lunch and we bumped into a lot of our friends from school. I tell you the Mall was like packed with PDS/SMSS-ers. Then Kaths, Marla, Justina, Marlo and I went around while the others chilled in the Cineplex. Then we went up to the poolside and chilled there for awhile. Saw my parents talking to Kaths’s dad in front of the Cineplex, so it was time to say goodbye.

Since we were already in the Mall, we dropped by Comsoft and Uncle Stanley happened to be there. And my dad finally bought the Western Digital External Hard Drive (new stock has finally arrived) I wanted for my birthday just like Kuya’s but mine is Cherry Red while his one is Black. I couldn’t really pick which colour because the other colours are just so eye-catching but I finally chose the Cherry Red ;) We ate dinner in McDonalds :) And got home around 8:30 I think. Talked to Kuya over the phone, cleaned up and went online to talk to someone ;) Slept around 1:00am I think. HAHA. I did not need anyone to give me a rose or chocolates or a gift to make my day but the two hours I’ve spent online talking to someone in particular were already enough to make my day worthwhile! I went to bed with a grin on my face ;)

“Valentines day can be everyday...”

Woke up at 8:00am and got ready for church. After mass, went to have Brunch. Then went around Gadong. After that, went home and fixed my things. Did my English. And now blogging and transferring my files well some of my files into the Hard Drive, the external one that is. I need to get a leather case for it as soon as possible. I don’t want scratches all over it or I could just get it G-Masked when I go back to Phils. Although I do hope Kuya finds one in Phils. Because getting something G-Masked can be pricey.

Oh what happened during the weekdays?
Kim and Kiently came to school last Tuesday which was the 10th of Feb. since we had practicals that day. They are just so hilarious. HAHA. They better come to school again this Tuesday! HAHA. It just so much fun to have them around! Oh oh, had Add. Maths test, it was a good test. Managed to answer every question smoothly :D It felt good knowing how to solve all of them questions. I feel so proud! HAHA.

Went to Dijah’s last Wednesday to continue our Maths Project. Actually met Y and Umi in Hua Ho Tanjung Bunut first then we went to Dijah’s. Did some price checking on some ingredients, then off we went to Dijah’s. Splited the work and talked about stuffs in her room.

Can’t really remember what happened last Thursday! HAHA.

That’s just about it. I’m off to bed now, I’ve got school tomorrow. Nighty nights :)

much love.
one of a kind.


Sugar be loving Shuffle long long time! I hope you have a blast today my dear :D I'll be seeing ya in school tomorrow! :D Enjoy your day! Take care. YOU IS DA BOMB, BABE! HAHA.
much love.
misses you!

Tagged YO!

Whoever gets tagged has to write 10 things about the person who tagged him/ her.

1. Daiy likes Science which is awethome (th=s).
2. He is a VERY close friend of Yda!
3. He aims high in his academics.
4. He is SMART!
5. His PEBRET cousin is Fezz.
6. He plays the guitar.
7. He likes green.
8. He plays Left4Dead.
9. He is my partner in bullying Yda. HAHA. Love ya, YDA :D
10. Fun to be with :)

The person who got tagged has to write 10 things about himself/herself.

I'm lazy to do this part. HAHAHA.

There you go DAIY :D
I'm not tagging anyone! :p
much love.
i smile like this everyday because of you!

Check it out.

Hey hey, check this out. HAHA. Just got it this afternoon :) Took a picture of it.

Alright, just thought I'd drop by.

much love.

i wish you were here.

I'm 16 :D

Hello there my friends :D

I have officially turned 16 last February 4. And I really had an awesome one!! In school last Wednesday, my class kept singing every period and every time someone comes in the class! And during recess, while Umi, Yda, Dijah and I were walking around school, Umi and Yda started saying to random people that it’s my birthday. They were like, “Hey! It’s her birthday today! *points finger at me & laughs*” HAHA. And and when we passed by the canteen my friends started singing lagi like really loud. They sang again in the assembly area before assembly started and everyone was like looking at us. HAHA. It was awesome! :D THANKS YOU GUYS! It meant a lot to me! XD Somehow that day was a lucky day, because we were suppose to have our Chemistry Test but then it got postponed to Thursday. Weee~

Yesterday, celebrated my birthday with the friends. Kaths and Marla followed me home to change clothes and off we went to Gadong. Got there about 1:30pm and Kim happened to be there already but he did tell us that he was already at Gadong when we arrived. Us three girls went around for a bit, looking for something :) Then met up with Kim in Chill well actually Best Eastern (he found us inside). HAHA. Then went around for a bit, and headed for Centrepoint. Met up with JB, Marlo and Janno there. Hanged out inside Centrepoint for awhile, then we saw Jamico. I saw Y and Dijah as well. They went in Fratinis and sat there an d waited for us. So we all just went in eventhough we were not complete yet. Chatted here and there until Umi, Eric, Andy and Kiently showed up. Then we started eating. And after that, we rested first as we were full (told ya to bring an empty stomach HAHA :p). Then cake was brought out and then ate it. Took a lot of pictures. After eating we decided to go for a studio picture. And I’m gonna collect them on Sunday. Then after, walked around Mall. Some of us bought some stuff. We went to the arcade and played for awhile. Then Dijah, Umi and Y had to leave. Then Eric, Andy and Jamico because they had dance practice. So yea.. The rest of us went around again and back to Fratinis to get our things. Then went around Jaya and then back to Fratinis again and waited there. Parents came and had dinner with Tito Anert in Fratinis. While Kaths, JB, Kim and I went up to Jaya because JB wanted to buy something. Then went back to Fratinis, Kaths and JB had to walk to this place because Kaths parents were over there. After the rest left, Kim and I were left so we talked about stuff. HAHA :p Then Kim left, joined my parents and Tito Anert for dinner. Left about 7:30pm. I enjoyed myself and I hope they did too eventhough we did not get to watch a movie.. Glad they liked the bracelets :D

OH OH BTW, THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE GIFTS! I love love them! XD It was an awesome birthday although he was not there!

my cake :)

I'll post up the pictures later maybe.


much love.

I was here.

I know, about right now I should be revising for my Physics and Computer test tomorrow. But I just need a lil’ distraction from my notes. So let me update you guys on what I have been up to for the past few days. Well, last Saturday was just an ordinary day. Nothing much really happened. It was Meth’s and Asyraf’s Birthday as well. We sang as loud as we could in class. HAHA. Yesterday, after mass went to Uncle Sebastian’s (one of my dad’s friends) place for Chinese New Year. They had the lion dance (CHMS’s lion dancers) again although it started raining again when it started. There were a lot of people this time, I even saw Teacher Emily (she used to teach in PDS/ SMSS but now she’s teaching in JIS) there with her two little girls. Stayed there for about an hour and went back home. Did the chores when we reached home, then went out and jogged around the village (good thing it did not rain) while daddy went out to play basketball. After that, took a shower and studied a little bit of Physics, did my Add. Maths Homework and re-wrote my BM Notes plus made an effort to finish English however, I did not manage to finish it. I slept around 11+ p.m.

So I woke up at 4:05am this morning because mommy had to be early for her business trip to KK. I happened to reach school quite early around 6:30am. There were a lot of cars already on the road when we left home. I suppose they did not want to be stuck in traffic again. We were able to study Physics, Chemistry and Biology only. We had P.E. today; good thing it did not rain! The sun was shining. Played part basketball and part netball again. SIUK YO! HAHA. Saw Kim, Kevin and Mark during P.E. period. Glad to see the ex-seniors (Graduates of 2008) again! Induction of the Societies was held this morning after recess. No wait it was actually after our usual Monday morning assembly with the pledge and all. Induction this year wasn’t as festive as last year’s one because last year’s one was a 3-in-1 event. After Induction, we (as in all the students and teachers; including IS teachers) had a small surprise for our Principal as it is his birthday today. When the cake was brought out, everyone started to sing and we all salamed him after. We were then given a period to look around the society booths in the assembly area and to sign up at whichever society we want to join. Started taking pictures as well. HAHA :p After a period gone, it was back to class for all of us. We were suppose to have English instead but we swapped it with Biology on Thursday since Teacher Kasturi has appointments every Thursdays. So we are (temporarily) going to have 4 freaking periods of English which is 2 hours! I’m not complaining about it, it’s just that it is going to be so long! Well anyways, we had fun in Biology. Test for Biology got postponed to next Monday, thank God! :D

Well, I have written enough. And it is now time for me to get back to my notes and study. Grr.. TEST WEEK! On a happier note, someone’s Sweet 16th birthday is coming real soon as in really soon! HAHA. Apakann, I know, whatever~ Just ignore that! :p Bah bah, I am off to study! Later~

much love.

p.s.- Pictures will be up probably on Wednesday.



10 Facts / Hobbies of Monica:
1 – I seldom read books now for I am busy with school stuff.
2 - I like to correct people (as well) especially with their grammar. HAHAHA!
3 - I have a sweet tooth; I like eating ice cream!
4 - I sleep talk (don’t really know if it’s often or occasionally).
5 - I like to keep myself in shape.
6 - I keep a lot of junks it just serves as memories.
7 - I like it when people see me as a leader; I also happen to like being a leader.
8 – I like doing Remainder Theorem and Factor Theorem in Add. Maths. (it’s just a fun topic)
9 – There are times in my life where I can procrastinate to the very last minute.
9.9 – I am a much happier person than I was before.

10 – I listen to indie rock, soundtracks of FIFA, indie electronic and alternative nowadays.

The Next 10 Receivers would be:
Umi Fakhriyah
Nafisah Halim
Sarah Jane

much love.

I'm it.. again.

Tagged by NJ
I know I’ve done this tag already but it’s “SORT OF” fun. I could put another 10 facts about me. Haha.

Whoever gets tagged has to write 10 things about the person who tagged him/ her.
1. He is an awesome artist! Although I have not seen ‘all’ of his drawings ‘yet’.
2. He says a lot of nyarr, bleh, hmm and mmm.
3. He is my buddy since Grace 3 which was a four years ago (though we lost touch after that but now we’re closer than ever).
4. He loves green very much! To be specific he loves apple green!
5. He has the very same laptop as I do. I think, well I’ve seen how it looks like and it looks like mine. HAHAHAHA. Wait is yours a Dell Inspiron 640m as well? HAHAHA.
6. He likes to read books like a lot of them. Whenever I’d say I bought a certain book, he’d say ‘I’ve read that already!’
7. He really has weird sleeping patterns but somehow I think it’s getting better :)
8. He is really busy with his plates although he might procrastinate from time to time.
9. He says his special talent is procrastinating.
10. He is still a kid at heart eventhough he’s getting older (hehehe! :p)

The person who got tagged has to write 10 things about himself/herself.

1. I take care of all my Adidas stuffs as if they were my prized possessions! HAHAHA. Obsessed much?
2. I am thinking of ways on how to reach out to people to cooperate with each other and stop global warming because if we all stick together, we can change what’s happening. But I doubt this will ever ever happen.
3. I miss Dancing very much!
4. I wish it was Summer already ;)
5. I am addicted to One Tree Hill as well.
6. I have a lot of Shades (Sunglasses) in my room but I end up wearing one or two of them which are my aviators.
7. I doubt myself a lot of times.
8. I have been living in Brunei for my whole life. (Whole life because I was here when I was just 3 or 7 months old)
9. I want to watch the 6th Season of One Tree Hill (yes I know, so slow! HAHA. What? I’ve got not time to buy)
10. I like to sleep with a lot of pillows around me :)

At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
1. Nafisah
2. Fezz
3. Daiy
4. NJ (yes, you're it again! muahaha :p)
5. Kaths
6. Marla
7. Yes, You.
8. Come on, you know you wanna do this tag.
9. No seriously, You!
10. HAHA. Anyone willing to do this then.

HAHAHAHAHA. I ran out of people to tag!