
Here are the rules:
1. Each blogger must post this rules.
2. Each blogger must being with ten facts about them.
3. Other blogger who are also tagged must also state the rules and ten facts about themselves.
4. You must choose ten people to give this award to and list their names at the end.
5. It is essential that tag is left at their tag boards, letting them know about the award they've received.

- I like to be surrounded by a lot of pillows on my bed; I have 12 pillows on my bed.
- I have a lot of junks lying around in my room; by the looks of it my room ain't so neat.
- I love crunching on some Doritos & Ruffles.
- I like being sick, I even like the sound of my voice when I get the 'colds'.
- I stutter at times but it's not a biggie.
- I worry about a lot of things.
- I am not a big fan of scary movies.
- I think that if you wish upon a star, your wish really does come true.
- I like doodling on paper [trying to break the habit, don’t wanna waste paper].
- I am a quarter Spanish because my great grandmother from my mom’s side is one.

I’m going to tag: Daiy, hooray4madness (Nafisah & Fezz), Kaths, Marla, Umi Fakhriyah, Jolin, Timah, Bilaay & Yusof.