
Belated Happy Birthday to Kuya Menard and Connie!
Happy Birthday to Iman!

Ahoy there, mates (:
Well it’s been a long time since I last blogged! Haha.

So I went to the Philippines last 5th of September until the 4th of October. I had to skip like 12 days of classes because I wanted to go back before my brother’s birthday and my brother was on his sem-break as well. My teachers were alright with me leaving before holidays. Well, I really had a good time, shopping here and there, going to places here and there. Bought a lot of stuffs and went to a lot of places! And during my stay, there were a lot of typhoons passing by the Philippines so it was like raining almost everyday and there were floods in parts of the country. Sad though I had to go back, I felt like not going back but I had to because school was gonna re-open the day after my arrival.

First day of school for 4th Term was such a lazy ass day, none of us had the mood of studying that day. Haha. Every Tuesday was always our fun day because we have P.E. and occasionally we don’t do anything in class. Ohh, GOOD TIMES! Time goes by really fast, exams are already over and the year is almost over!

Well, I have got rehearsals to attend to but not really sure if I could make it. So there’s this DST event and a reunion event for our school plus Graduation day (however no word on rehearsal dates yet). I missed dancing!!

Oh yeah, I watched the Premiere of Heroes [Season 3] last night, it was so cool! (:
Anyways, I gotta go now.


much love.