So today we sort of had a surprise party for Teacher Koh whom happens to be our class teacher. It was really fun. There were a lot of food and al lot of drinks. We shared the party with all the students and staff in school since there were a lot of left overs after 9:30am. Music was playing loud in Room 5 and the boys borrowed the TV from IS and they played PS2 plus the other girls were able to play DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) :D Siuk wah! Then after eating, some of us went to Room 4 where all the laptops were in. Then we played SPORE! I miss playing that with my Brother in Phils :) Fezz was so happy when he played it! Then we took a lot of pictures, there were more than 100 photos in my camera. Had no mood to go for trainin g today, so Yda and I just stayed in and watch Fezz play Spore. Teacher Koh liked the Game too. Kuya come back soon, I wanna play again! :D hahaha.

I guess that's about it for today. Advance Happy Birthday Shela and Fezz! :)

i'm out. Teacher, hoped you enjoyed your birthday!

much love.